Entity Import Behavior

Overview of how entities are imported.


  • Import assembly comment cards (HMASSEM, HMASSEM_IDS) that may exist in the import file and create assemblies per the data in the comment cards.
  • Optional additional imports: Components, Elements, Nodes, Connectors


  • Import component comment cards (HMNAME COMP, HWCOLOR COMP, HMMOVE, HMDPRP) that may exist in the import file and create component collectors per the data in the comments cards.
  • Optional additional imports: Elements, Nodes and Connectors. If both nodes and elements are not imported, then components are imported and created but will contain no elements, that is, empty components. Similar for Connectors.

Load Collector

  • Import load collector comment cards (HMNAME LOADCOL, HWCOLOR LOADCOL) that may exist in the import file and create load collectors per the data in the comment cards.
  • Optional additional imports: Loads. If loads are not imported then load collectors are imported and created but will contain no loads (that is, empty load collectors)

System Collector

  • Import system collector cards (HMNAME SYSTCOL, HWCOLOR SYSTCOL) that may exist in the import file and create system collectors per the data in the comment cards.
  • Optional additional imports: Systems. If systems are not imported then system collectors are imported and created but will contain no systems (empty system collectors).

Vector Collector

  • Import vector collector cards (HMNAME VECTORCOLS, HWCOLOR VECTORCOLS ) that may exist in the import file and create vector collectors per the data in the comments cards.
  • Optional additional imports: Vectors. If vectors are not imported then vector collectors are imported and created but will contain no vectors (empty vector collectors).

Beam Section Collector

  • Import beam section collector cards (HMNAME BEAMSECTCOLS) that may exist in the import file and create beam section collectors per the data in the comment cards.
  • Optional additional imports: BeamSections. If beam sections are not imported then beam section collectors are imported and created but will contain no beam sections (empty beam section collectors).


  • Import multibody comment cards that may exist in the import file and create multibody collectors per the data in the comment cards.
  • Optional additional imports: Ellipsoids, MBJoints, MBPlanes. If elipsoids, MBJoints, MBPlanes are not imported, then Multibody collectors are imported and created but will contain no ellipsoids, MBJoints, MBPlanes (empty multibody collectors).


  • Import solver load step card definitions and load step comment cards (HMNAME LOADSTEP) that may exist in the import file and create load step entities per the solver and comment cards data.

Output Block

  • Import solver output block card definitions and output block comment cards that may exist in the import file and create output block entities per the solver and comment cards data.

Control Card

  • Import solver control card definitions that may exist in the import file and create card entities per the solver cards data.


  • Import solver property card definitions and property comment cards (HMNAME PROP, HWCOLOR PROP) that may exist in the import file and create property entities per the solver and comment cards data.


  • Import solver material card definitions and material comments cards (HMNAME MAT, HWCOLOR MAT) that may exist in the import file and create material entities per the solver and comment cards data.


  • Import solver set card definitions and set comment cards (HMSET) that may exist in the import file and create set entities per the solver and comment cards data.


  • Import solver block card definitions and block comment cards that may exist in the import file and create block entities per the solver and comment cards data.


  • Import solver tag card definitions and tag comment cards (HMTAG) that may exist in the import file and create tag entities per the solver and comment cards data.


  • Import solver title card definitions and title comment cards that may exist in the import file and create title entities per the solver and comment cards data.


  • Import solver plot card definitions and plot comment cards that may exist in the import file and create plot entities per the solver and comment cards data.
  • Optional additional imports: Curves

Contact Surface

  • Import solver contract surface card definitions and contact surface comment cards that may exist in the import file and create contact surface entities per the solver and comment cards data.
  • Optional additional imports: Nodes, Elements


  • Import solver group card definitions and group comment cards (Domain) that may exist in the import file and create contact surface entities per the solver and comment cards data.
  • Optional additional imports: Nodes, Elements


  • Import solver sensor card definitions and sensor comment cards that may exist in the import file and create sensor entities per the solver and comment cards data.

Control Volume

  • Import solver control volume card definitions and control volume comment cards that may exist in the import file and create control volume entities per the solver and comment cards data.


  • Import solver node card definitions that may exist in the import file and create node entities per the solver cards data.


  • Import solver element card definitions that may exist in the import file and create the appropriate element config/type entities per the solver cards data.
  • Required: Nodes
  • Optional additional imports: Assemblies, Components. If components are not imported then all elements will be organized into an "Auto" component.


  • Import master connector file xml data that may exist in the import file and create connector entities per the connector xml data.
  • Required: Nodes, Elements, Components
  • Optional additional imports: Assemblies


  • Import solver load card definitions that may exist in the import file and create the appropriate load config/type entities per the solver cards data.
  • Required: Nodes (Forces, Moments, Temperatures)
  • Optional additional imports: Load Collectors. If load collectors are not imported then all loads will be organized into an "Auto" load collector


  • Import solver equation card definitions that may exist in the import file and create the appropriate equation entities per the solver cards.
  • Required: Nodes
  • Optional additional imports: Load Collectors. If load collectors are not imported then all loads will be organized into an "Auto" load collector


  • Import solver system card definitions that may exist in the import file and create system entities per the solver cards.
  • Required: Nodes (For Node Dependent Systems)
  • Optional additional imports: System Collectors. If system collectors are not imported then all systems will be organized into an "Auto" system collector.


  • Import solver vector card definitions that may exist in the import file and create vector entities per the solver cards data.
  • Required: Nodes (For Node Dependent Systems)
  • Optional additional imports: Vector Collectors. If vector collectors are not imported, then all vectors will be organized into an "Auto" vector collector.


  • Import beam section comment cards (HMNAME BEAMSECTS) that may exist in the import file and create beam section entities per the comment cards data.
  • Optional additional imports: Beam Section Collectors. If beam section collectors are not imported then all beam sections will be organized into an "Auto" beam section collector.


  • Import solver curve card definitions and curve comment cards (HMNAME CURVES, HMCOLOR CURVES, HMCURVE) that may exist in the import file and create HyperMesh curve entities per the solver and comment cards data.
  • Optional additional imports: Plots