Animate Flexible Body Results and View Contours in HyperView

  1. In HyperView, from the Home tools, Files tool group, click the Open Model tool.
    Figure 1.


    From the File menu select Open > Model.

    See Open Files for additional information.

  2. From the Load Model panel, verify that the Load model and Load results check boxes are activated.
    Figure 2.
  3. Click the Load model file browser .
    The Load Model File dialog is displayed.
  4. Open the ALTAIR.flx file.
    The same file is automatically loaded into the Load results field.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Click the Play/Pause button on the Animation toolbar to animate the results.
  7. From the Plot tools, click the Contour tool .
    The Contour panel is displayed.
  8. Use the Contour panel to view displacement or stress contours on the model.