This example demonstrates
the Result Math expression tag. This allows a sequence of calls to be reused across multiple
data types, and provides another mechanism for extending the result module. The expression
syntax supports parameter passing and nested calls to other expressions in order to maximize
reuse and flexibility.
In the example below, a single expression is used by four different
data types to calculate area:
The argument list for an expression is a comma-separated variable list.
Variables are substituted into the expression during datatype evaluation, and are referenced
using the @varname syntax. An expression may be decorated with an
optional attribute child element in order to expose it to the HyperView Expression Builder
(see the XML Command Reference section under <expression> for
The output for total area is:Figure 1.
Some important points about this example:
In the call to the Area operator, the table referenced by the coords argument must
override the current subcase with subcase[0] (which is the model subcase). This is
because the expression is executed when the datatype is evaluated, which is not at the
model step (it is at a step within a subcase). OptiStruct result output contains
displacements, not coordinates.
The datatypes that are created use a special convention used within the applications
called scalar groups. The syntax is {group}:{subgroup}. All groups with the same name
appear together with the subgroup items in a list box below the datatype selector. Figure 2.
The parts in the model do not reflect the parts defined in the input deck (using
HM_COMMENTS). This model resource is made up of entities from the
OP2 file, not the input deck, and has parts defined by property. The
.dat file, when organized by HM_COMMENTS, will
have nine parts, while the OP2 file has seven parts.