Define Monitor Definitions

Use the Monitor Points tool to define the types of monitor definitions.

There are four types of monitor definitions:
  • MONPNT1 calculates the integrated load for the selected nodes. The application region definition is defined through the CAERO entity selection and is represented through the AECOMP entity. The application region is aero panel set (CAEROx entities).
  • MONPNT2 monitors the output results on the selected element. The application region is element.
  • MONPNT3 sums up grid point forces for the selected grids and/or element list. The application region is node set and/or element set.
  • MONDSP1 calculates the weighted average of displacement response on the selected node set through AECOMP. The application region is aero panel set (CAEROx entities).
    Restriction: The MONDSP1 type is applicable for Nastran (MSC) only.
  1. From the Aeroelasticity ribbon, click the Monitor Points tool.
    Figure 1.

  2. On the guide bar, select the nodes and components.
  3. Set options as necessary by clicking on the guide bar.
  4. Set advanced selections as necessary by clicking on the guide bar.
  5. On the guide bar, click one of the following:
    • Click to save changes and stay in the tool.
    • Click to save changes and close the tool.
Tip: From the Aeroelasticity ribbon, click the satellite icon that appears when you hover over the Monitor Points tool to open the Aeroelasticity Browser.