From the Developer ribbon, select the Process Editor satellite
icon that appears when you hover over the Tasks tool.Figure 1.
Use the Edit Process dialog to complete the following operations.Figure 2.
Start a new process
Clears existing data and starts a new process.
Open file
Use the file browser to load an existing process XML file, including all tasks, categories, and
properties as described in the XML
Save updates you made to an existing XML
file, or save a newly created process to an XML file, which can be opened later in the Task
Column Visibility
Select the attribute values to display in column format. When you select
a value to display, the value is displayed for all items that have that
value defined. For example, if you select setcommand,
the value is displayed for all properties.
Entity Editor
When you select an item, its related Name/Value information for that
item's attributes is displayed in the Entity Editor, located in the left corner of the Edit
Process dialog.
Select File
Loads a Python file that contains all
functions that can be used in the *command
The commands that can be used for the selected item are displayed in
tabs in the right corner. A function must be selected from the list for
the command names to be displayed.
The functions listed in the window are defined in the Python file.
To set a value for a command, select a function from the list and click
the tab for the command type. The model's name, along with the function,
is added to the Entity Editor.
For example, to set the getvaluelistcommand of the
property shown in figure below, choose the
validateDescription(value) function, then
click the getvaluelistcommand tab. The model's name,
along with the function, is added to the entity editor.Figure 3.
The arguments of the commands must be updated manually because they pass
as they are defined in the Python
Sets the module level. Increase the module level to go up a folder. The
functions take the levels that you define.
From the Modules drop-down menu, click Edit to
edit the name of the module. Changes are reflected in the command type
values in the Entity Editor.
For example, if you change the value to 2, the name of the Python function changes to reflect the new
folder, which is the folder that contains your Python file. If you select a function from the
list, followed by the command name, the new name is reflected in the
Entity Editor. When you change the Modules
level, update the command type values, if necessary.Figure 4.
Interactively Move Items
To move items within the tree, press the Alt key
and select the item to move it to a new location. The new location must
be logical within the context of the Process Editor. You can move the
multiple instances of the same item type simultaneously.
Change Display Type
For a property, you can change the display type from the
displaytype drop-down menu in the Entity Editor.
Context Menu
The following context menu options are available when you right-click on a process,
task, and category item.
Add category
Add a new category to a process.
Add task
Add a new task to a process.
Add task by files
Add a new task from an existing Python file.
Add task by folders
Add a new task from a folder.
Add property
Add a property to a task or category.
Delete a task, category, or property. A warning message prompts you to
confirm the deletion.
On a process, task, category, or property, verify if an inserted
attribute is correct or needs additional editing. A caution symbol
indicates that an attribute needs to be fixed.Figure 5.
If you validate an item other than the process item, only the items that
are under the task, category, or property is validated.
Collapse or expand the sections within the process hierarchy.