
vovconsole: Usage Message

      vovconsole [options] 
    -batch  <file>           -- Execute specified file after the console is
    -fontsize <size>         -- Specify a size for the normal font.
                                Default is 10.                            
    -geometry  WxH           -- Specify initial size of console.
    -help                    -- Get this message.
    -initsystemnodes         -- Initialize the console upon start-up with
                                all nodes in the trace.
    -monochrome              -- Use gray except for top bar.
    -proj <vovproject>       -- Does nothing. Used when bsub'ing the
                                vovconsole to track which console is on
                                which project.
                                See: VOVCONSOLE_SUBMIT_CMD                            
    -set <setNameOrId>       -- Show specified set in a new pane using the
                                view specified with the previous -view option.
                                Default to not to show any set.
                                May be repeated.
    -showcustomize           -- Show areas that can be customized.
    -v                       -- Increase verbosity.
    -view  grid|graph|stat   -- Specify the initial view for the set
                                specified with -set.
                                Default is 'grid'

    % vovconsole &
    % vovconsole -fontsize 12 &
    % vovconsole -geometry 1000x500  &
    % vovconsole -view vertical -set System:jobs -view grid 
                 -set System:files &
    % vovconsole -showcustomize