
vovfosterjob: Usage Message

    A system utility to tell a tasker to watch a PID or a JOB by creating
    a foster job that runs for the lifetime of the entity being watched.
    Resulting foster jobs are stored in the System:Orphanage set, which
    can be displayed by passing the set name to 'nc list -alljobs -set'.

    This utility is mainly used to prevent overloading of a tasker that
    has been started on a host that also has a tasker in the process of
    shutting down gracefully. Such taskers will only exit once any jobs
    running on them are complete. Fostering such jobs onto the newly started
    tasker will result in job slots being consumed, preventing additional
    jobs from landing on the host.

    -fromtasker TASKERNAME -- Foster all jobs on specified tasker. Normally used
                              to foster jobs on a tasker that has been requested
                              to gracefully stop after its jobs are finished.
                              This helps to prevent overloading if the tasker is
                              restarted before the job attrition process is
                              complete. Compatible only with, and requires, the
                              -totasker option.
    -h                     -- Help usage message.
    -host HOSTNAME         -- Specify host to which the foster job should be
                              dispatched. The resulting foster job will be
                              dispatched to the first tasker found on the
                              specified host. Compatible with the -pid and
                              -job options.
    -job JOBID             -- Foster a job. Without the -host or -totasker
                              option, the resulting foster job will be
                              dispatched to the first tasker found that is
                              running on the same host as the job being
                              fostered. Compatible with the -host and -totasker
    -pid PID               -- Foster a process. Without the -host or -totasker
                              option, the resulting foster job will be
                              dispatched to the first tasker found that is
                              running on the same host where the vovfosterjob
                              command is executed. If the PID does not exist,
                              the foster job will be created but will exit
                              immediately. Compatible with the -host and
                              -totasker options.
    -stoppedtaskers TASKERNAME --
                           -- Foster jobs running on all prior instances of the
                              specified tasker that are in the process of
                              stopping gracefully. The resulting foster jobs
                              will be dispatched to the specified tasker. Not
                              compatible with any other option.
    -totasker TASKERNAME   -- Specify tasker to which the foster job should be
                              dispatched. Compatible with the -pid, -job, and
                              -fromtasker options.
    -v                     -- Increase output verbosity. Repeatable.

    % vovfosterjob -job 000123456
    % vovfosterjob -job 000123456 -totasker titan
    % vovfosterjob -pid 6789
    % vovfosterjob -pid 6789 -host titan
    % vovfosterjob -fromtasker titan_stopped -totasker titan
    % vovfosterjob -stoppedtaskers titan