
Retrace a list of files and directories. Use option -set to retrace sets of nodes.

vsr: Usage Message
      Retrace a list of files and directories.
      With the option '-set' you can retrace sets of nodes.
      % vsr -help
      % vsr -set  <setName>
      % vsr [options] <id_or_file_or_directory> ...
      OPTIONS: All options can be abbreviated to one letter,
               except -safe, -fast, -aggressive, and -select.
       -help          This message.
       -v             Increase verbosity.
       -all           Retrace the entire design (abbreviation -a).
       -force         Force retracing of failed nodes too.
                      Abbreviation: -f
       -hier          If target is a set with subsets, retrace all subsets.
       -kick          Kick a file: update all files that depend on it.
       -priority sp[.xp]
                      Specify the scheduling priority (sp) and optionally
                      also the execution priority (xp).
                      Both sp and xp can be one of:
                      LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, TOP or an integer in [1-15].
                      (Explanation: TOP=15  HIGH=8 NORMAL=4 LOW=1)
       -resources <r> Additional resources to be used for the jobs to be
                      retraced.  Abbreviation: -r
       -select <rule> Retrace nodes that match the given selection rule.
       -set <setName> Retrace all nodes in given set.
       -recompute     If used with -set, forces recomputation of named set.
       -timeout <timeSpec>
                      Wait for events for specified time, then exit if
                      no event arrives.
       -nowait        Exit immediately after issuing retracing request.
                      This is the same as "-timeout 0"
       -safe              All dependencies are computed again (default).
       -fast              Retrace without computing the dependencies again.
       -aggressive        Like safe, but retrace in parallel across barriers.
       -crossbarriers     Schedule jobs across barriers
                          Abbreviation: -cb
       -skipcheck         Do not check the upcone of the target.
       -checkall          Check all files in the upcone of the target.
       -nocheck           Do not check files in directories to retrace.
                          Implies -skipcheck.
       -unblock           Check blocking files before doing retrace.
       -retry <n>         Repeat retracing <n> times. The default is 1.
       -converge          Retry until the flow is complete or until the
                          failed/invalid job count is unchanged after 3 retrace
                          loops. If a retry number is specified, converge will
                          limit the number of retrace loops to that number.
       -statusreps <n>    Override the default of 3 for the maximum number of
                          repeated failed/invalid job counts for the converge
      % vsr -help
      % vsr
      % vsr -priority high.high fileABC
      % vsr . -crossbarriers
      % vsr . -cb
      % vsr ../a ../b ../c/file
      % vsr -nowait -all
      % vsr -timeout 3h
      % vsr -retry 4 -timeout 100
      % vsr -set 'Stuff to do'
      % vsr -recompute -set 'Stuff to do'
      % vsr -select 'isjob tool==gzip'


You can request a run for a given target file with:
% vsr fileName_or_VovId
You can run all jobs in a directory with:
% vsr directoryName
You can target a run to be a group of nodes that make up an entire set with:
% vsr -set setName
As a special case, you can run everything in the whole design. Use the system defined private set System:nodes with:
% vsr -all
Set the Priority with the option -p:
% vsr -p high directoryName
If you change a file and would like to retrace starting with that changed file, running jobs that are affected by the change, use:
% vsr -kick name_or_VovId_of_changed_file