
Remove files intelligently, considering the role of the file in the design flow, the size of the file, and the time it takes to generate the file. This operation works only for data in the FILE database.

vovremove: Usage Message
      Remove files intelligently, considering
      1- the role of the file in the design flow,
      2- the size of the file,
      3- the time it takes to generate the file.
      This operation works only for data in the FILE database.
      vovremove [options]
     -everywhere     -- Look everywhere for files to delete.
     -dir <dir>      -- Select a directory under which are the files
                        you want to be deleted.
     -rx  <rx>       -- A regular expression to select files.
     -age <timespec> -- Minimum age of file to be deleted.
     -D   <timespec> -- Maximum cost of recomputation of file.
                        Files that take longer to compute will not be removed.
     -G   <number>   -- Minimum 'Grade' of files to delete: 
                          Grade <== log10( size_of_file / time_to_recompute )
     -doit           -- Really do it, otherwise, just show.
     -help           -- This message.
      % vovremove -h
      % vovremove -dir .
      % vovremove -rx '\.obj$' -doit