Get Detailed Information about a Job
The command wx displays information about a job.
Get Detailed Information About a Job
The command wx
also gives information about a job, but in an undecorated form
that is in
wx: Usage Message
Get one or all fields of one or more WX jobs. Specify the jobID
or use '!' for the most recent job in the current working directory.
If the -J jobName option is given, only the first match
is reported. If there is no match, an error is reported.
-h Show this help. You can also get the
usage message by specifying no option at all.
-v Increase verbosity.
-J JOBNAME Find first job with given JOBNAME
The search is restricted to the jobs that
belong to the current user.
This is significantly more expensive than
using jobIds. Use sparingly.
-f field Specify field when giving multiple jobIDs
-showid Show jobId
-s Same as -showid
-sep STRING Use STRING as separator (default is a single space)
-tab Use a TAB character as separator.
% wx getfield -h
% wx getfield 01234455
% wx getfield 00123445 jobclass
% wx getfield ! status
% wx getfield -J JOBNAME
% wx getfield 01234455 0123458 -f jobclass
% wx getfield -s 01234455 0123458 -f jobclass
% wx getfield 00012345 jobclass
% wx getfield 00012345 cputime
% wx getfield 00012345
... get list of all known fields (more than 100 of them)...