Server Working Directory Name

To avoid issues such as looping, exercise caution with the name of the server working directory.

The SWD can be obtained with the utility vovserverdir. For example, the full path can be obtained with:
% vovserverdir
The logical canonical name can be obtained with:
% vovserverdir -logical
A "circular loop" problem can occur with the name of the SWD, which can be prevented:
  • To compute the full path to the SWD, either parse the setup file or know the rules in the equivalence file.
  • To find either the setup file or the equivalence file, the full path to the SWD must be known.
To prevent issues from occurring, using the procedure vtk_swd_get in the policy.tcl file is strongly recommended.
# Example of using vtk_set_swd in the policy.tcl file
vtk_set_swd windows "x:/release/admin"
vtk_set_swd unix    /remote/release/rtda/admin
vtk_set_swd unix1   /net/zeus/release/rtda/admin

Another method to avoid accessing the server working directory is with a "thin client", which is described in the following section.