Geometric Modeling

New Features

Multi-threaded bulk import
Added capability in Bulk Import tool to read CAD files in multiple threads. Multi core bulk import with logs and summary of import. This will make import much faster. User can review logs and summary after the import. A new option added to find CAD files recursively from the input folder.
Unit information in tooltip for AcuSolve case setup tools
For AcuSolve case setup tooltip is added stating expected units for each field.
Tool to find and organize baffles automatically for UFX simulation
A new option in Find to find non enclosed shells and organize them to new part with “Baffle” prefix. Once water tight model is created, this option will allow user to automatically find and organize elements which are non-enclosed or open in part with “Baffle” prefix. Because of this UFX treat those elements as baffles.
Model color based on Part groups
Supported coloring of model based on Part Group for lite model and mixed model with elements. It will help users to see already grouped parts and pending parts.


Part representation improvements
In Merge/Split tool, a new option is added to save representation of newly created parts after split. This will help users to save representation of newly created parts. A new option added to Representation tool to associate part representation from files in a folder. This will help for the cases where if you want to pass CAD representation file to another machine or user – they can reestablish representation association.
Improved revolve region capability
  • Supported functionality for elements, surfaces and solid inputs. Input can be non-enclosed.
  • User can add non-rotating parts, so that created revolve region will not intersect neighboring parts.
Interactively close openings in lite model
User can now close openings interactively in lite mode using Cap tool. To enable that added location support in Cap tool and added support of snapping to nodes.
Improved leak check
Added auto seal option in Leak Check tool. This option will block leaks path and extract wetted faces. So with this option user can put smaller value for maximum gap for wetted face extraction to get accurate outcome. Option to delete source or target seeds in case they are not needed.
Baffle detection improvements
Improved baffle detection to get accurate baffles – less zigzag.
Export improvements
Added option to export stl with Part group. Added option to export just displayed parts. Fixed Fluent and CGNS export.
  • Warning that mesh data will be lost when converting Mixed to Geometry.
  • Disconnect T-Junctions (all visible or all in selected parts/surfaces).
  • Do not delete mesh data when coverting mixed to geometry data type.
  • Multiplier function export to make it readable.

Resolved Issues

  • Interface surface does not pick internal surfaces even micro dialogue is not appearing.
  • Origin line for hydrostatic pressure is not written in inp file.
  • Crash on creating second curve in plot manager.
  • Split by connectivity does not split in graphics for element only model when save rep option is selected.
  • Normal fix returns leak path without fixing normal.
  • Busy cursor is not removed even after operation is finished in surface repair tool.
  • Idle mode advanced selection search is case sensitive.
  • User-specified number of threads for meshing was not applied.