Load Map

The event setup section is defined within this tag.

The load map section is defined within:
Element Tag Valid Values Comment
<LoadMapFile> Valid file path Applicable for Duty cyle (.dcy) file

Applicable for LoadMap (.xml) file

<Channel> <tabfat> Mandatory



<Fatseq> <Fatevnt> Mandatory

Time Series

Time Data Channels are defined as:
      <tabfat id="1" type="Time Data">D:/Sample_Load_path/load1.csv</tabfat>
Table 1. <tabfat> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values
id Valid ID
type "Time Data"
<tabfat> Valid load-history file path

Define the Event

   <Event Configuration="superposition" Gate="0" id="1" name="Event_1">
       <Fatload LDM="1" Offset="0" Scale="1" block="1" resultfile="" sim="" subcase="1" tabfatId="1" tabfatName=""></Fatload>
Table 2. <Event> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values Comment
Configuration "superposition" Mandatory
Gate 0 < Value < 1.0 Mandatory
id Valid ID Mandatory
name Valid name Mandatory
<Event> is defined with <Fatload>.
Table 3. <Fatload> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values Commend
LDM LDM should be a non-zero value Mandatory
Offset Valid value Mandatory
Scale Scale should be a non-zero value Mandatory
block Valid value Mandatory
resultfile NA Reserved for later use
sim Valid value Mandatory when simulation list from subcase is present
subcase Valid value Mandatory
tabfatId Valid value Mandatory
tabfatName NA Reserved for later use
      <Fatevnt EventId="" EventName="Event_1" Repeats="1"></Fatevnt>
Table 4. <Fatevnt> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values Comment
EventId Valid value Either event id or name is Mandatory
EventName Event name
Repeats Valid value Mandatory


Transient events are defined as:
    <Event id="1" name="Event_1">
        <Fatload resultfile="" subcase="1"></Fatload>
Table 5. <Event> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values Comment
id Valid ID Mandatory
name Valid name Mandatory
<Event> is defined with <Fatload>.
Table 6. <Fatload> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values Comment
resultfile NA Reserved for later use
subcase Valid value Mandatory
    <Fatevnt EventId="" EventName="Event_1" Repeats="1"></Fatevnt>
Table 7. <Fatevnt> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values Comment
EventId Valid value Either event id or name is Mandatory
EventName Event Name
Repeats Valid value Mandatory

Modal Superposition

Modal superposition channels are defined as:
Element Tag Valid Values
<ModalParticipationFactorFile> Valid file path (.pch/.mrf/.abf)

Define the Event

        <Event id="1" name="ModalEvent_1">
            <Fatload modal_channel="Subcase 1" resultfile="" sim="" subcase="1" tabfatId="" tabfatName=""></Fatload>
Table 8. <Event> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values
id Valid ID
name Valid event name
<Event> is defined with <Fatload>.
Table 9. <Fatload> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values Comment
modal channel Valid Subcase name Mandatory
resultfile NA Reserved for later use
sim Valid value Mandatory when simulation list from subcase is present
subcase Valid value Mandatory
tabfatId Valid value Mandatory
tabfatName NA Reserved for later use
         <Fatevnt EventId="" EventName="ModalEvent_1" Repeats="1"></Fatevnt>
Table 10. <Fatevnt> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values Comment
EventId Valid value Either event id or name is Mandatory
EventName Event Name
Repeats Valid value Mandatory

Random - PSD Stresses

Random events are defined as:
      <Event id="1" name="Event_1">
        <Fatload resultfile="" subcase="1"></Fatload>
Table 11. <Event> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values Comment
id Valid ID Mandatory
name Valid name Mandatory

<Event> is defined with <Fatload>.

Table 12. <Fatload> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values Comment
resultfile NA Reserved for later use
subcase Valid value Mandatory
      <Fatevnt EventId="" EventName="Event_1" Repeats="1"></Fatevnt>
Table 13. <Fatevnt> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values Comment
EventId Valid value Either event id or name is Mandatory
EventName Event Name
Repeats Valid value Mandatory

Random - Input PSD with FRF

Random analysis channels are defined as:
      <tabfat id="1" type="Input PSD:Real - Imaginary"> Fatigue_InputPSD/Input_PSD.csv</tabfat>
Table 14. <tabfat> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values
id Valid ID
type Constant Amplitude
<tabfat> Valid material file path

Define the Event

      <Event id="1" name="Event_1">
        <Fatload Excitation1="1" Excitation2="1" resultfile="" sim="" tabfatId="" tabfatName=""></Fatload>
        <Fatload Excitation1="1" Excitation2="2" resultfile="" sim="" tabfatId="" tabfatName=""></Fatload>
        <Fatload Excitation1="2" Excitation2="2" resultfile="" sim="" tabfatId="" tabfatName=""></Fatload>
Table 15. <Event> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values Comment
id Valid ID Mandatory
name Valid name Mandatory
<Event> is defined with <Fatload>.
Table 16. <Fatload> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values Comment
Excitation1 Valid value Mandatory
Excitation2 Valid value Mandatory
resultfile NA Reserved for later use
sim NA Reserved for later use
tabfatId Valid value Optional
tabfatName NA Reserved for later use
      <Fatevnt EventId="" EventName="Event_1" ExposureTime="1"></Fatevnt>
Table 17. <Fatevnt> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values Comment
EventId Valid value Either event id or name is Mandatory
EventName Event Name
ExposureTime Valid value Mandatory

Sine Sweep

Sine Sweep analysis channels are defined as:
      <tabfat id="1" scale="0.1" type="Constant Load"></tabfat>
Table 18. <tabfat> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values
id Valid ID
scale Scale should be a non-zero value (NA for Variable Scale)

"Constant Load"

"Variable Scale"

<tabfat> Valid file path (NA for Constant load)

Define the Event

      <Event id="1" name="Event_1">
        <Fatload resultfile="" sim="" subcase="3" sweeprate="1" sweeprateunit="HZPSEC" tabfatId="1" tabfatName=""></Fatload>
Table 19. <Event> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values Comment
id Valid ID Mandatory
name Valid name Mandatory
<Event> is defined with <Fatload>.
Table 20. <Fatload> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values Comment
resultfile NA Reserved for later use
sim NA Reserved for later use
subcase Valid value Mandatory
sweeprate Valid value Mandatory



tabfatId Valid ID Mandatory
tabfatName Valid name NA
      <Fatevnt EventId="" EventName="Event_1" sweeps="1"></Fatevnt>
Table 21. <Fatevnt> Attributes
Attribute Valid Values Comment
EventId Valid value Either event id or name is Mandatory
EventName Event Name
sweeps Valid value Mandatory