
The HyperView - MultiCore profile has been designed to work for crash post-processing, or more broadly explicit, time-based analysis. The workflow has been changed to allow you to define and select data to load upfront and once loaded, data is kept in cache for quick access. It also leverages a new result infrastructure to load results data faster and more efficiently. Due to these reasons, a few tools and features that are available in standard HyperView are either not available or not fully supported in this profile. Coverage will be expanded in future releases and some of these restrictions will be removed. Performance and memory consumption will also be optimized.
Supported Formats
The HyperView - MultiCore profile is primarily targeted towards crash post processing (explicit, time-based animation and results). Accordingly, only certain formats are supported.
  • ABAQUS input (.inp, .pes)
  • ABAQUS ODB (.odb)
  • FEMZIP DSY (.fz)
  • FEMZIP Radioss Reader (.fz)
  • FEMZIP d3plot (*d3plot*, .fz)
  • Hyper3D (.h3d) - see the note below
  • LS-DYNA Keyword Input (.k*, .key, .dyn, and .bdf)
  • LS-DYNA d3plot (*d3plot*, *d3int, *intfor and .ptf)
  • PAM-CRASH DSY (.dsy)
  • PAM-CRASH HDF5 (.erfh5)
  • PAM-CRASH Input (.pc and .dat)
  • PAMCRASH2G Input (.pc and .dat)
  • RADIOSS (A) Result (*A001 and .gz)
  • RADIOSS Format (*D00 and .RAD)
  • The file will not be loaded and a dialog will be displayed if you attempt to open an unsupported file format. In some cases the file might load by virtue of it being a supported format, however it is important to note that this might not be fully supported (for example, H3D generated by a non-crash solver such as OptiStruct or Abaqus ODB containing modal results). It is recommended that you use HyperView without the HyperView - MultiCore profile for such files.
  • Another exception to note is H3D generated by HyperView is not supported and an error message is shown when loading such files.
Unsupported Tools
The following tools are not available (access to corresponding panels is disabled):
  • Derived Results and Derived Loadcase
  • Result Math Templates and related tools such as Free Body Diagrams
  • Build Plots
  • FLD
  • Add Object
  • Streamlines/CFD Post-processing
  • Add Multiple Result Files
  • Reader Options Dialog
  • Export H3D
  • Modal or Linear animation mode
Unsupported model/results data
The following model/results are not supported (where possible an error message is displayed):
  • Model/results containing adaptive meshes
  • Multibody Dynamics result files
  • H3D created from HyperView
  • Modal complex or Interpolation (formerly Linear Static) results
Reading key model information from an input deck
  • Model geometry (nodes, elements, components) will be read.
  • Sets, Materials, Properties are not directly read at this time.
    Note: Assembly and Include Hierarchy can be directly read from an input deck starting with v2021. In addition, the Extract Solver Deck Data option from the Tools Menu can be used to import Assembly or Include Hierarchy information.
Saving and reloading Session/Report Templates
Saving and restoring sessions in the HyperView - MultiCore profile is different compared to standard HyperView. In the latter, only information necessary to restore the state of the active step is saved. But in this new profile, additional information about what data is cached/loaded is also saved. For example, a model may contain 50 steps however you could have loaded only 5 steps. This information gets saved.
The benefit of this is that when you reopen a HyperView - MultiCore profile session, all this data will be automatically loaded and become readily available for you to resume work. This also means that it might take longer to restore the entire session in this profile compared to standard HyperView. In future releases, this functionality will be optimized.
Attention: It is not possible at this time to load session files/report templates saved in standard (non-MultiCore) HyperView in the HyperView - MultiCore profile. In most cases, an error message will be posted to the log to this effect and the file will not be loaded. In the case of report template > Overlay, it is possible that some content from the file might get loaded, however it is not recommended to use this session for further processing.


  • The Extract Data and Linearize tool is supported from version 2024.1 onwards.

Known Issues

The following issues are documented here for awareness and will be addressed in future releases:
  • Certain glitches with copy and pasting or overlaying of models and report templates.
  • Incorrect assembly hierarchy of models containing duplicate components.
  • Displacement contour shows N/A when using Pam-Crash modular input decks as model and ERFH5 as result file. It is recommended to not use this combination but instead use the ERFH5 as model and result.
  • Load Data dialog user interface issues when loading multiple Loadcase transient models, especially ones containing mixed analysis types, such as a transient subcase and complex modal subcase or ones where certain data types are not available across all subcases.
  • Few minor user interface glitches such as missing options in the query panel or incorrect result definition loading status are seen with repeated loading and unloading of steps.
  • Application hangs when similar definitions are imported with the append option.
  • Session files/report templates saved in standard HyperView are incompatible with the HyperView - MultiCore profile. An error message will be printed and file loading will be stopped in the case of opening or replacing an existing session, but in the case of import or the append option, the loading process could potentially become very slow. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to avoid loading standard HyperView mvw/tpl files in the HyperView - MultiCore profile.
  • Application hang is observed in the HyperView - MultiCore profile when definitions are first created from the browser, followed by contour and iso plotting from the browser icon.
  • Iso tool is not in sync with Definition plotted when an Iso plot is added from Legend context menu.

See the HyperView - MultiCore APIs topic in the Reference Guide for additional information regarding the various Tcl/Tk commands that have been added for this workflow.