Create Spring Structural Elements

The Spring tool recognizes CBUSH connections and absorbs them as springs.

  1. From the Certification ribbon, click the Spring tool.
    Figure 1.

    When Structural elements are created, a structural property can be selected.
  2. Click to define how properties are assigned.
    Each structural element must have a structural property assigned to it in order to run method.
    Single property
    Assigns the same structuralproperty entity to all designpoints.
    Duplicate and assign property to all
    Creates a new instance of the selected structuralproperty and assigns the copy to all designpoints.
    Duplicate and assign property per designpoint
    Creates a new instance of selected structuralproperty per designpoint entity.
    This option performs a deep copy, meaning the structural property's references, such as materiel/property, are also copied. Each structural property generated is fully independent.
    This is useful for design exploration where you will update structural properties separately.
  3. Select CBUSH elements to absorb as springs.
  4. Optional: Select a destination designPointSet to hold newly created designpoints.
    If no set is selected, a new one is created with config Spring.

    If you enter this menu from the Certification Browser context menu using Auto DDP, the selector is pre-populated with the selected designpointset.

  5. Specify a structuralproperty entity to assign.
  6. On the guide bar, click one of the following:
    • Click to save changes and stay in the tool.
    • Click to save changes and close the tool.