

Export Solver Deck from the Card Editor
A new option to export the selected card to the solver deck has been added to the Card Editor.
Figure 1.

Show/Hide Multiple Views
You can now toggle the visibility of multiple views simultaneously in the Views Browser.
Figure 2.

Contains Search for Numeric Values
The Contains (~) and Not Contains (!~) search functions can now be applied to numeric values.
Figure 3.

Figure 4.

Wildcard Search for Numeric Values
Searches for Starting With and Ending With as well as Not Starting With and Not Ending With can now be performed on numeric values using (*).
Figure 5.

Figure 6.

Model Browser Help Topic
Pressing F1 while focused on the Model Browser now opens the Model Browser help topic.
Find and Search Help Topic
Pressing F1 while focused on the browser search bar now opens the Find and Search for Entities help topic.

Known Issues

  • Keyword list for the Create menu is removed from entity views upon loading a new model.

Resolved Issues

  • Entity default changes were not retrieved in the new session.
  • Collected entities continued to display in the Model Browser even after the collector was set to inactive.
  • Incorrect card images were assigned for load collectors upon creation (Permas).
  • Opening the Set Browser was slow when compound sets were present (Abaqus).
  • Complete text string values were not displayed in the columns.
  • Difference in the operation of 'Show' between the view from the browser and the View tool.