New Features
- Derived Load Case type Steps
- New Steps type has been added to the Derived Load Cases (DLC) workflow.
- New Complex Filters for Invariant Calculation
- Phase Sweep: available for all invariant (Mag, VonMises, P1, P2, P3, and so on). By selecting this filter, the operator will sweep from 0° to 360° by a delta step of the omega*t angle (which can be set in the post preference and has a 45° default), extract the vector/tensor invariant, and then finally evaluate either the max, min, or extreme value across the whole data set (returning a scalar real quantity).
- Lode Param xi and Theta Invariants Added
- Lode Param xi and Theta invariants have been added to the Stress related derived ones.
- HWASCII results import is now enabled in the results workflow.
- A preference option has been added to create default deformation plot on
loading results. This option is off by default.
Figure 1.
- The Beam Stress workflow has been improved to support native OptiStruct h3d results.
- Cartesian and Polar filters (Real/Imaginary Mag/Phase) have been removed in plot controls for derived results (for example: VonMises, P1, and other invariants).
- Invariant exposure among Stress and Strain has been aligned as per
- Stress: vonMises, SignedVonMises, Tresca, Triaxiality, P1, P2, P3, MaxShear, Intensity, Pressure, max_abs_principal, extreme_principal, lodeparam_xi, odeparam_theta
- Strain: vonMises, SignedVonMises, P1, P2, P3, MaxShear, Intensity, Pressure, max_abs_principal, extreme_principal
- The wording of file import messages and other warnings have been improved.
- The Result entity context menu from the Model Browser has been cleaned
Figure 2.
Resolved Issues
- Marker plot now follows deformation during animation.
- Memory leak when using a model with very high number of properties has been resolved.