
New Features

Derived Load Case type Steps
New Steps type has been added to the Derived Load Cases (DLC) workflow.
New Complex Filters for Invariant Calculation
Phase Sweep: available for all invariant (Mag, VonMises, P1, P2, P3, and so on). By selecting this filter, the operator will sweep from 0° to 360° by a delta step of the omega*t angle (which can be set in the post preference and has a 45° default), extract the vector/tensor invariant, and then finally evaluate either the max, min, or extreme value across the whole data set (returning a scalar real quantity).
ClosedForm: available only for Von Mises Stress tensor (without any averaging). The operator evaluates the Von Mises invariant based on its analytical formula assuming no phase shifts among the tensor components.
Lode Param xi and Theta Invariants Added
Lode Param xi and Theta invariants have been added to the Stress related derived ones.


  • HWASCII results import is now enabled in the results workflow.
  • A preference option has been added to create default deformation plot on loading results. This option is off by default.
    Figure 1.

  • The Beam Stress workflow has been improved to support native OptiStruct h3d results.
  • Cartesian and Polar filters (Real/Imaginary Mag/Phase) have been removed in plot controls for derived results (for example: VonMises, P1, and other invariants).
  • Invariant exposure among Stress and Strain has been aligned as per HyperView:
    • Stress: vonMises, SignedVonMises, Tresca, Triaxiality, P1, P2, P3, MaxShear, Intensity, Pressure, max_abs_principal, extreme_principal, lodeparam_xi, odeparam_theta
    • Strain: vonMises, SignedVonMises, P1, P2, P3, MaxShear, Intensity, Pressure, max_abs_principal, extreme_principal
  • The wording of file import messages and other warnings have been improved.
  • The Result entity context menu from the Model Browser has been cleaned up.
    Figure 2.

Resolved Issues

  • Marker plot now follows deformation during animation.
  • Memory leak when using a model with very high number of properties has been resolved.