
New Features

Composite Stress Toolbox
Results can be exported from the Composite Analysis Result Viewer to a .csv file for numerical results and line data of plots, as well as .png image file for the plots themselves. Image files will be saved in the same size as displayed in the viewer at export time.
Injection Molding Ribbon
CADMOULD fiber orientation results are supported within the injection molding ribbon.


Composite Stress Toolbox
Improved error handling for analyses that are not fully defined. Error messages will be given when running such analysis from the browser context menu as well as when switching to such analysis in the Composite Analysis Result Viewer.

Known Issues

Composite Stress Toolbox
  • Load response contouring does not fully support symmetric laminates. While element contour already takes symmetry into account fully, the ply wise result selection is still lacking the symmetric layers.
  • Contouring load response for PCOMPG relies on layer index instead of global ply ID.

Resolved Issues

Composite Stress Toolbox
  • Derived load cases (linear superposition) are now supported.
  • Top and bottom values of the Composite Analysis Result Viewer contour plot are now correct, instead of flipped as in earlier versions. The corresponding tables have always been correct in this regard.
  • Error messaging for analysis of elements with PSHELL property is now more detailed.
  • Post-processing load cases from multiple resources with different file endings is now supported with the first-ply-failure method both in certification framework and from composite browser.
Kinematic Drape
  • The “Auto” option in the Element size setting of the Kinematic Drape dialog no longer causes an actual draping element size of 0. This previously caused draping to fail when the value was lower than 1e-4.