From the 3D Chart ribbon, click the Axes
tool.Figure 1.
Axis attributes such as labels, color, and scaling can be modified using the Axes
panel. The panel is displayed when the Axes button is selected from the Annotations
toolbar, when you select Axes from the Annotations menu, or when you click on an
axis label in a HyperGraph 3D window.
Figure 2.
Apply to
You can apply your selections at any point to the Selected axis or to
All Axes.
Selected axis
Applies each change to only the axis of the active tab.
All axes
Applies each change to the X, Y, and Z axes.
You can apply your selections to the Current plot, the Current page, or
All Pages.
With label
Located under All Pages, With label only applies each change
to the axes that contain the label specified in the With
label entry field.
X, Y, and Z Axis Tabs
From the X Axis, Y Axis, or Z Axis tabs, you can apply and edit axis attributes.
The axis label is a single line of text displayed alongside the axis in
HyperGraph 3D. It is automatically
updated in HyperGraph 3D when you enter a
new name in the Label field.
Click the font button, , to change the axis label's font.
Import templates can be written that specify the text for axis labels.
This enables axis labels to be automatically included when plots are
constructed using the Reports panel.
Axes can be represented by a Linear, Logarithmic, dB10, or dB20 scale. A
different scale can represent each axis. Use the radio buttons to select
the appropriate scale for each axis.
HyperGraph 3D scales any curve
data using the formula Data = 10.0 *
log10(Original_Data). If no curves
exist on the graph, the minimum value will default to -30
and the maximum to 10.
Curve data is scaled using the formula Data
= 20.0 * log10(Original_Data). If no
curves exist on the graph, the minimum value will default to
-60 and the maximum to 20.
Minimum and Maximum Values
When a curve is constructed, the axis minimum and maximum values are set
so that the curve fits in the window by default. When you select a
different axis scale type, the minimum and maximum values automatically
Min and Max
New minimum and maximum values can be specified in these
fields. Altering the minimum and maximum values for an axis
scales the plot along that axis.
Click Fit on the plotting view
controls to return Min and Max to the default values and
scale the curve to fit the window.
Auto fit
The selected axis is automatically scaled to fit new curves
or bar charts that are added to the axis.
Fit range
Restores the current axes values when
Fit is selected from the view
Font Properties
Click the font button, , to change the font, font style, and size
of the scale type values.
Color Palette
Any of the 64 colors can be assigned to the plot axes. After selecting
an axis, select a color from the palette to instantly change the color
of the axis.
Axis Tics
Tics per axis
The number of tics on each axis (or tics per decade if the axis is
logarithmic, decibels, or dB10) is controlled by entering a specific
number or increment.
From the drop-down menu, select Tics per axis to
add a specific number of tics. Select Tic increment
to add tics at specific intervals. Enter a value in each
text field or use the buttons to change the current values
Grids per tic
If using the linear axis, use Grids per Tic (or Grids per decade if the
axis is logarithmic, decibels, or dB10) to change the number of grid
lines on the graph.
Both fixed decimal format and scientific notation display numbers to the
right of the decimal point. The accuracy of each format can be adjusted
by entering a value in the Precision text field or using the buttons to
select a number. Precision specifies the number of digits displayed to
the right of the decimal point.
Tic Format
Axis values can be displayed using one of three formats. Use the Tic
Format drop-down menu to select one of the following:
Auto format
Determines the best format for displaying axis values and
truncates trailing zeros.
Expresses values in exponential form.
Fixed format
Expresses values using a specified number of decimal
Use the Shading tab to change the grid attributes, the background color, and the axes
Grid style
Grid styles can be used to change the shading style of the grid. Click
on a shading style button to instantly change the grid style. Options
include box or line.
Grid line color
Select a color from the palette to instantly change the grid line and
wireframe colors.
Background color
Select a color from the palette to change the color of the 3D
Note: See Preference Files for more information on specifying
defaults in the preferences.mvw
Axes lengths
HyperGraph 3D automatically
adjusts the display of the axes lengths to fill the graphics
Use the slider bars to adjust the relative lengths of the
axes in the display. You can also add the new length value
directly into the text field.