Map Force, Mass, Temperature

It is convenient to apply aerospace loads and concentrated mass that is predefined at specific node ID’s from an Excel file. This requires carefully numbering nodes with specific ID’s, which is a standard practice in aerospace.

From the menu bar, click Aerospace > Loads/BCs > Map Force/Mass/Temperature.

A node and element renumbering tool is also provided in this utility. Force and CONM2 cards are created for Nastran.

Table 1. Mass File Format
Node ID Mass
560 10
558 12
550 15
573 18
569 10
571 25
Table 2. Force File Format
Node ID Force components
Fx Fy Fz
116 10 24 2
243 12 28 4
244 15 32 6
76 18 28 8
75 10 24 10