Create a complete seatbelt system, with meshed fabric components and solver-related
seatbelt features.
The seatbeltsystem ( ) is the root of the hierarchy in the Seatbelt Browser. It consists of the following entities:
Seatbelt Segments ( )
Define a portion of the seatbelt system, with a belt path made of a list
of control points and a mesh realization type. This entity also contains
information about the components on which the belt elements are
collected. The seatbelt segment provides options from its context menu to interactively modify the belt path or
create solver cross-sections on the belt segment.
Control Points ( )
Define the selected node locations that define the seatbelt segment
path. The first and last control points provide the ability to create
solver entities, such as slipring, pre-tensioner, retractors, or rigid
attachments to the structure.
Each entity has its own show/hide/review mode, as well as cross-referencing,
accessible from the context menu.
Seatbelt Browser and Entity Editor
The complete seatbelt system is defined in the Seatbelt Browser
where all entities are listed, and all attributes are accessible in the Entity Editor.Figure 1.
Seatbelt System Entity Editor
The name of the seatbelt system.
The ID of the seatbelt system.
The color of the seatbelt system.
Wrap Around
Parts around which the seatbelt will be wrapped.
Important: This
information is required to proceed to seatbelt segment
Link Dummy Mechanism
Activate the automatic update of the seatbelt upon dummy or seat mechanism
motion. The default is off.
Unit System
Select between the unit systems (g, mm, ms), (kg, mm, ms) and (Mg, mm, s),
which will adapt the default values assigned to the solver cards. Solver
cards generated by the seatbelt tool are unit dependent.
Structural Components for Contact
Parts to be considered for the contact Seatbelt vs. Structural comps, which
are not used for the wrapping of the belt.
Create Null Beams on Belt comps
Automatically create beam elements on belt components for edge-to-edge
contact treatment.
Create Null Beams on Wrap comps
Automatically create beam elements on wrap components for edge-to-edge
contact treatment.
Create Null Beams on Structural comps
Automatically create beam elements on structural components for edge-to-edge
contact treatment.
Existing Null Beam Comps
Select an existing component for the beam elements. If not selected, the
component is automatically generated.
Restriction:LS-DYNA only.
Seatbelt .vs. Wrap Comps
Activate the creation of the contact between seatbelt and wrap
Edge to Edge
Activate the creation of edge-to-edge contact using the beam elements.
Restriction:LS-DYNA only.
Seatbelt .vs. Structural Comps
Activate the creation of the contact between seatbelt and additional
structural components.
Belt Width
The width of the belt mesh.
The gap between belt mesh and wrap components.
Belt Thickness
The thickness of the belt mesh.
2D Element Size
The shell element size of the belt 2D mesh.
Point Prefix
The prefix to be used for the control points names.
Remove belt intersections
Automatically remove the intersections between the seatbelt segments during
the belt mesh generation process.
Seatbelt Entity Editor
The seatbelt Entity Editor allows you to select the nodes
defining the belt path of the selected seatbelt, and defines the type of belt to be
The name of the seatbelt.
The ID of the seatbelt.
The color of the seatbelt.
Pick Nodes
The nodes defining the belt path.
Vector at start
Orientation vector of the belt at the first control point.
Vector at end
Orientation vector of the belt at the last control point.
Segment Specific Wrap Around
Additional wrap around component that is only valid for the selected
seatbelt segment.
Belt Mesh Type
The type of mesh to be generated for the selected seatbelt segment.
1d Length at Start
The total length of 1D elements at the beginning of the seatbelt segment
for mixed 1D and 2D mesh types.
1d Length at End
The total length of 1D elements at the end of the seatbelt segment for
mixed 1D and 2D mesh types.
1D Element Size
The 1D element size of the 1D mesh.
Start 1D Component
The component collecting the 1D elements at the beginning of the belt
mesh. If not specified, it is automatically created.
End 1D Component
The component collecting the 1D elements at the end of the belt mesh. If
not specified, it is automatically created.