Server Configuration

vovserver configuration parameter values may be changed in a running vovserver using the CLI, or prior to the starting the server via the policy.tcl file. An administator can configure the parameters in the running vovserver using the vovservermgr command or the vtk_server_config procedure.

Note: In usage, all commands and parameters are case insensitive.
Using vovservermgr:
% nc cmd vovservermgr config PARAMETER_NAME PARAMETER_VALUE
Using vtk_server_config:
% nc cmd vovsh -x 'vtk_server_config PARAMETER_NAME PARAMETER_VALUE'
Example of a configuration:
% nc cmd vovsh -x 'vtk_server_config timeTolerance 4'
% nc cmd vovsh -x 'vtk_server_config timeTolerance 4'
Note: A complete list of the current server configuration parameters is provided in the Server Configuration page.
Server configuration can be controlled by setting variables in the policy.tcl file. The variable can be set directly in the "config()" associative array, but it is best to set them with the procedure VovServerConfig as in:

In either case, the name of the parameter VARNAME is case insensitive.


The following is part of the policy.tcl file.
# This is part of the policy.tcl file.

# Example of parameters set with the procedure VovServerConfig
VovServerConfig readonlyPort  7111 
VovServerConfig httpSecure       1

# Example of parameters set by assignment to array config().
set config(timeTolerance)        0

set config(maxBufferSize)       16000000
set config(maxNotifyBufferSize)  400000
set config(maxNotifyClients)     40;
set config(maxNormalClients)     400;

set config(maxAgeRecentJobs)     60;
set config(saveToDiskPeriod)     2h;
set config(autoShutdown)         2w;      # Shut down after 2 weeks of inactivity.
set config(autoLogout)           1h;      # Logout from browser interface.
set config(netInfo)              0;       # Do not collect net information (fs, hosts)

# Used by Accelerator for autoforget.
set config(autoForgetValid)      1h
set config(autoForgetFailed)     2d
set config(autoForgetOthers)     2d

set config(autoRescheduleThreshold) 2s

set config(preemptionPeriod) 3s
Below is an example of parameters set with the procedure VovServerConfig:
VovServerConfig readonlyPort  7111 
VovServerConfig httpSecure       1