Accelerator stores historical information about jobs in a relational database. As of version 2015.09, the database is fully integrated
and managed as part of Accelerator. This section provides an overview of the components that run and manage the database.
Altair Accelerator includes a subsystem for managing computing resources. This allows the design team to factor in various constraints
regarding hardware and software resources, as well as site policy constraints.
This is a usage guide for the Resource Data Service (RDS), an alternative service for managing License resources and
License-first scheduling in Accelerator.
The Streaming Data Service (SDS) publishes a time series data stream that can be consumed by existing Kafka systems
and compatible reporting tools to monitor VOV projects.
To ensure the correct and repeatable behavior of the tools, the environment must be controlled. This chapter explains
how VOV supports multiple reusable environments.
VOV issues an "alert" when an event requires attention. An alert can range from information that does not require
action to an urgent fault that requires immediate action.
This daemon vovfilerd replaces older daemons like vovisilond, vovnetappd and vovregulatord. Also the utility vovfiler_setup is no longer needed. The visualization of the filer information is now done either via the vovfilerd.cgi page or via the utility vovfilerdgui.
This chapter provides information about deprecated features that are still supported. This information is provided
should you see older commands in use after a software upgrade or migrating to a newer Accelerator.
Notification daemon: vovnotifyd
The vovnotifyd daemon is used to deliver notifications to selected recipients about functions that are related to job events.
Configure Email Addresses
Use the config.tcl file to set the email addresses to be used for each user.
Write Localized Health Checks
The vovnotifyd command runs in the vovsh binary, so all the VTK API procedures are available to you.
Notification of Job Status
The Acceleratorvovnotifyd notification daemon accesses the server's event stream and then sends a notification for jobs that request it.
Job Status Triggers
The daemon vovtriggerd taps the event stream and executes commands that are based on selected events.
VOV issues an "alert" when an event requires attention. An alert can range from information that does not require action to an urgent fault that requires immediate action.