Notification of Job Status

The Accelerator vovnotifyd notification daemon accesses the server's event stream and then sends a notification for jobs that request it.

To enable this notification, the MAILTO property must be set: use the option -m or -M option with the nc run command. An example is shown below:
% nc run -m sleep 10
% nc run -M ":ERROR"  simulate chip.spi
The format of the property of MAILTO can be configured as follows:
recipientList : verbList
recipientList : ALL
: verbList
recipientList is the list of the e-mail recipients. verbList is the list of verbs for which notifications must be sent. The supported verbs are listed below.
DESCHEDULE - Job has been dequeued.
DISPATCH   - Job has left the queue and has been routed to an execution host. 
ERROR      - Job has exited with a failure.
FORGET     - Job has been forgotten.
RESUME     - Job has been resumed.
STOP       - Job has exited successfully.
SUSPEND    - Job has been suspended.

If the recipientList is empty, a notification is sent to the owner of the job. If the verbList is empty, then a notification is sent only when the job terminates.

For example:
john : ERROR   - Send mail to the user 'john' if the job terminates in error.
: STOP ERROR   - Send mail to the job owner when the job terminates.
john mary: ALL - Send mail to the users 'john' and 'mary' for anything that happens to the job.

Change the MAILTO Property After Job Submission

To change the MAILTO property, use the vovprop utility. The following are examples of getting, setting, and deleting the property:
% nc cmd vovprop get 000012345 MAILTO
% nc cmd vovprop set -text 000012345 MAILTO "mary : STOP ERROR"
% nc cmd vovprop delete 000012345 MAILTO