vovproject list

vovproject: Usage Message
      List projects in the VOV registry.
      By default, only projects owned by the current user
      are listed.
      % vovproject list [options]
      -all                Show all projects
      -u <user>
      -user <user>        Show projects owned by 'user'
                          (default: the current user)
      -l                  Display using a Long format
      -v                  Verbose about malformed & incomplete registry entries
      -w                  Wide (no field truncation)
      -running            Show only running projects
      -minage <days>      Show only projects that were touched before minage.
                          Default is 0 days.
      -maxage <days>      Show only projects that were touched after maxage.
      -archive            Show archived projects.
      -archivedir <dir>   Show archived projects in archivedir if used
                          with -archive.  Default is ~/vov/.archive