This section explains briefly on how to build a rear suspension model.
For example, select the Rear Dual axle suspension as the Rear Suspension and select the two
axle driveline system in the Rear end of truck section to build a Rear suspension model
using the Assembly Wizard. After building the model, the following model is displayed in the
graphics area.Figure 1.
It is recommended that a simple event to be added, such as Kinematics and Compliance
Analysis, and then the model be simulated as soon as it is built. Events create motions and
forces in the model which make the system move. Most events add additional parts to the
model to perform the simulation. The following steps outline how to add an event to the
previously built model.
Click Analysis > Task Wizard, to begin adding an event to the model.Figure 2.
Select the required Rear end task from the drop-down menu.Figure 3.
Note: To learn more about the Ride Analysis, Roll Analysis, Steering Analysis, and
Static Load Analysis refer to the Rear Suspension Analysis Tasks topic.
Select Finish to exit the Task Wizard.Figure 4.
To view the generated reports, follow the steps shown in the Reports topic.