Create a New Query Surface at an Order

  1. From the HyperGraph 3D Data Query panel, click Add under the Cut list to add a new cut.
  2. Set Type to Order.
  3. In the Input vector = field, enter a p#w#c#.vector vector reference or, while holding down the Shift key, left-click on a curve in HyperGraph 3D to automatically insert that curve’s magnitude reference.
  1. Use the curve selector to select a curve.
    1. Click the curve selection button in the Input vector text box to display the Curves dialog.
    2. Choose a curve from the Curve tree and click Select.
    3. You can also click Preview to view the curve in the Preview dialog before selecting it.
    4. Click Close to close the Curve dialog.
  2. In the Time vector = field, enter a p#w#c#.vector vector reference or, while holding down the Shift key, left-click on a curve in HyperGraph 3D to automatically insert that curve’s time reference.
  1. Or, use the curve selector to select a curve (see step 4).
  2. Select the order from the Order combo box.
  1. Click the waterfall plot to specify an order that passes through the selected point.
  2. Click Apply to create the cut.