Post-process the Results in HyperView

Learn how to post-process results in HyperView.

Before you begin, copy the file(s) used in this tutorial to your working directory.
In this tutorial, you will:
  • Open and review a model.
  • Create contour plots.
  • Create a tensor plot.
  • Investigate the stress results.
  • Create a linear superposition derived load case.
  • Create local hotspots.
  • Create a measure group.
  • Create notes at local hotspots.
Figure 1.

Open and Review the Model

  1. In the modeling window, drag and drop the bullet_local.op2 file.
    The model and results files are loaded.
  2. Use the Results Browser to review the available subcases and verify that SUBCASE 1 is selected.

Create Contour Plots

  1. In the Results Browser, expand Results > Tensors > Stress. Select the vonMises icon to show the vonMises contour.
    Figure 2.

    Figure 3.

  2. From the Results ribbon, click the Contour tool.
    Figure 4.

    On the panel, notice that the Result type is set to vonMises Stress. Set the Averaging method to Simple. Click Apply.
  3. Select Create Plot Style and define the New plot style name as vonMises Simple Stress. Click OK.
    Figure 5.

  4. In the Results Browser, expand the Plot Styles folder and select the icon next to Default Contour.

    Notice how the contour changed to a contour of displacements.

    Figure 6.
  5. Click the icon next to vonMises Simple Stress.

Create a Tensor Plot

  1. In the Results Browser, expand the Tensor folder (Results > Tensors > Stress).
  2. From the Results ribbon, click the Tensor tool.
    Figure 7.

  3. From the panel, select Color by: Direction and review the model.
    Figure 8.
  4. Clear the tensor plot.
    1. Close the panel.
    2. Right-click and choose Select > All to select the components in the modeling window.
    3. Right-click and select Clear Plot > Tensor

Investigate the Stress Results

  1. From the Results ribbon, click the Query tool.
    Figure 9.

  2. Verify that Node ID, Node Coordinates, and Contour (Stress) are selected in the panel.
  3. Select a few nodes in the model and open Advanced Query.
  4. After setting the following options, click Apply.
    • Apply to: All, Nodes
    • Value: >=, 14000
    • Warning threshold (1-99%): 85
    Figure 10.

  5. Change the Warning threshold to 95 and observe that less nodes are reported in the table.
  6. Close the table and make all the components visible.

Create a Linear Superposition Derived Loadcase

  1. From the Results Browser, expand the Load Cases folder. Select all the Simulation 1 load cases, right-click, and select Create > Derived Load Case > Linear-Superposition.
  2. Expand the Load Cases folder again. Under Derived Load Case, set the Superposition of the subcases as follows:
    • Subcase 1 → 2.0
    • Subcase 2 → -1.2
    • Subcase 3 → 0.8
  3. Set the Derived Load Case 4 as Current. Derived Load Case 4 > right-click > Make Current.
    Figure 11.

  4. After reviewing the model, set Subcase 1 as Current. SUBCASE 1 > right click > Make Current.
    Figure 12.

Create Local Hotspots

  1. From the Results ribbon, click the Hotspot tool.
    Figure 13.
  2. From the Hotspot guide bar, select > Preferences tab and check the following options:
    • Note type: Static
    • Numeric Format: Scientific
    • Transparency: 60%
    Figure 14.

  3. Apply the preferences options and search the Hotspots by clicking on the guide bar.
  4. In the review table, click to review the node in the modeling window.
    Figure 15.

    Figure 16.

Create a Measure Group

  1. From the Results ribbon, click the Contour tool.
    Figure 17.

    Notice that Result Type is set to vonMises Stress.

  2. Set the Averaging method to None. Click Apply.
  3. From the Home group, click the Measure tool.
    Figure 18.

  4. On the guide bar, set the Elemental Contour as the Measure type.
  5. Select three different elements, then click Create.
    If Auto Create is selected, there is no need to click Create.
    Figure 19.

  6. Review the model and the measures created.
    Figure 20.

Create Notes at Local Hotspots

  1. From the Results ribbon, click the Contour tool.
    Figure 21.

    Notice that the Result Type is set to vonMises Stress.

  2. Set the Averaging method to Simple. Click Apply.
  3. From the Results, click the Notes tool.
  4. From the guide bar, click Preferences, . Click the A next to Text.
    The Edit Default Text dialog opens.
  5. In the Description Field, delete what is currently there and add Node ID:.
  6. Under the Field Names, select Entity ID and click Insert Field.
  7. Press Enter within the Description field to start a new line and then add Stress Value:.
  8. Under Field Names, select Entity contour value and click Insert Field.
    Figure 22.

  9. Click OK.
  10. With the selector set to Nodes, select a node below the hole and another above the hole.
  11. Review the node IDs and the Stress values.
    Figure 23.

  12. Exit the tool and save the session.