Create implicit models with primitives, lattices, point clouds, fields, offsetting, Booleans, inverting, smoothing, morphing, and filleting.
An overview of Inspire's implicit modeling and its benefits.
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Create parametric sketches, geometry, and PolyNURBS with construction history and variables.
What is implicit modeling and why do we want to use it?
A comparison of designing lattices with implicit modeling versus traditional CAD.
The major advantages of implicit modeling over traditional B-Rep approaches.
Inspire revolutionizes and democratizes implicit modeling for engineers and designers by addressing five common criticisms of existing implicit modeling methods.
In Inspire, you can assign and edit implicit modeling parameters in multiple ways.
Answers to frequently asked technical questions about Inspire Inspire Implicit Modeling.
The minimum system requirements to run Inspire Implicit Modeling.
Learn how to use the Visualization Quality and Meshing Settings to manage compute times, the visual appearance, and the geometric accuracy of implicit and mesh geometry when working with Inspire Implicit Modeling. This includes working in Implicit Modeling, converting other geometry formats in Implicit Modeling, and meshing implicit geometry for export or other downstream processes.
Use a colormap and contour lines to visualize the underlying field of an Implicit Body.
Create simple geometric shapes that can be used for repetitive tasks or combined into more complex shapes. Implicit primitives include a cuboid, cylinder, and sphere.
Fill a body with a surface lattice, which is a cellular structure constructed from one or sometimes two surfaces. The body can be a Parasolid, STL, PolyNURBS, or implicit geometry.
Fill an implicit body with a planar lattice, which is a 2.5D cellular structure with a clearly defined 2D cross-section that is drawn or extruded along the third dimension.
Fill an implicit body with a strut lattice, which is constructed from nodes that are connected by beams.
Create a randomized strut lattice by defining points, edges between points, filters to remove certain points and/or edges, a method to thicken edges into struts, and outer body treatments such as combining the lattice with an outer body or shell.
To drive a field or create implicit geometry, you can import a point cloud or create one from scratch.
A detailed description of how fields are used in Implicit Modeling within Inspire, with videos and illustrative examples that will help you think intuitively in terms of field-driven design.
Create a field to define geometry or control the parameters of an existing geometry at every location within the bounds of the field.
Convert parts to implicit geometry. You can select CAD, PolyNURBS, meshes, or optimized parts.
Translate and rotate implicit bodies.
Combine two implicit bodies into one.
Carve out implicit bodies ("tools") from another implicit body ("target").
Retain only the intersecting portions of two sets of implicit bodies.
Offset an implicit body. The offset can be made into a hollow shell.
Swap the "inside" and "outside" of an implicit body by reversing the sign of all scalar values in the underlying field.
Morph one implicit body into another and vice versa. Physically separate bodies may not produce meaningful results.
Used to denoise objects created in Implicit Modeling. This reduces the size of, or removes, unwanted small and sharp features in an implicit body.
Round edges of implicit bodies to create fillets with a constant or variable radius.
Remap a generic field of scalar values into a signed distance field.
Set up your model and run a structural analysis or optimization.
Set up and run a motion analysis, plot the results, and export the results.
Prepare and run a computational fluid dynamics simulation.
Evaluate designs by using geometric variables and applying a design-of-experiments (DOE) or optimization method. We recommend fully constraining your sketch when sketch variables are used in the design exploration.
Set up and run a basic porosity or thinning analysis.
Prepare and run an additive manufacturing simulation, and export a file for 3D printing.
Adjust the materials and environment of objects in the scene to create a photorealistic image.
Learn how to access the Inspire Python API including online help, quick start demos, and the Extension Manager.
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