Hotspot Finder API Structure

This topic will help you understand the workflow of building and running a hotspot search and eventually showing the results.
Figure 1.
Advanced QuerypoIQueryRuleGet Search ResultsExport and Report APIsBest View APIs

Hotspot Finder APIs

  • Using the hotspot search, you can find hotspots in a model based on filtering rules and a logical combination of such rules.
  • Data filtering rules for Selection set, ignoring specific element types, threshold values, maintaining a minimum distance between hotspots and limiting the search to a number of extreme top or bottom values.
  • The rules can be used in sequence using a keyword THEN and also you can get a combined effect using boolean logic based on AND, OR and brackets.
  • These APIs will work in v2020 and all future releases.
Note: Before using these APIs, make sure that a model is loaded in HyperView and scalar contour is plotted.
Figure 2. Hotspot Search Criteria
Figure 3. Recommended approach

Hot Spot Best View

Display the hotspots or a given entity in one of the best view modes.
Figure 4.
Use Hotspot Search ResultsDisplay SettingsNote SettingsShow Hotspot

Hotspot Best View Modes - Global Views

Global views provide you with a perspective of the all the hotspots in the reference of entire model, in an isometric view.

You can chose to automatically hide unwanted components from global views.

Global View
Shows all of the hotspots.
Shows the entire model and all hotspots.
Figure 5.

Shows only the attached elements around all hotspots, rest of the model is transparent.
Figure 6.

Shows only a spherical region around all hotspots, rest of the model is transparent.
Shows only the components with the hotspots, rest of the model is transparent.
Figure 7.

Global Location
Shows only one hotspot with entire model visible.
Figure 8.

Hotspot Best View Modes - Component Based Views

Component based views help you gain extra insight about the component of the hotspot.
Component Transparency
Shows only one hotspot with its component and contour plot, the rest of the model is transparent.
Figure 9.

Isolate Component
Shows only one hotspot with its component isolated, the rest of the model is hidden.
Figure 10.

Hotspot Best View Modes - Local Views

Local views help a you gain extra insight on a particular hotspot and the region around it.

You can choose the region size to focus on.
Entity Zoom
The hotspot is shown with its component isolated and zoomed in 3X.
Figure 11.

Only the region (spherical) around the hotspot is shown, everything else in the model is transparent.
Figure 12.

The hotspot is shown with the entire model contoured and zoomed into the hotspot.
Figure 13.

Hotspot APIs

Advanced Query
poIPost AddAdvancedQuery
poIPost RemoveAdvancedQuery
poIPost AddQueryRule
poIPost GetQueryRuleHandle
poIPost GetQueryRuleList
poIPost GetQueryRuleTypeList
poIPost GetAdvancedQueryHandle
poIPost GetAdvancedQueryList
poIPost RemoveQueryRule
poIAdvancedQuery AddSimulations
poIAdvancedQuery CreateBestViews
poIAdvancedQuery GetID
poIAdvancedQuery GetLabel
poIAdvancedQuery GetNumericFormat
poIAdvancedQuery GetNumericPrecision
poIAdvancedQuery GetOutputSelectionSethandle
poIAdvancedQuery GetQuery
poIAdvancedQuery GetQueryLogic
poIAdvancedQuery GetSearchOption
poIAdvancedQuery GetSearchOptionList
poIAdvancedQuery GetSimulationList
poIAdvancedQuery GetSubcaseList
poIAdvancedQuery RemoveSimulations
poIAdvancedQuery SetLabel
poIAdvancedQuery SetNumericFormat
poIAdvancedQuery SetNumericPrecision
poIAdvancedQuery SetQuery
poIAdvancedQuery SetQueryLogic
poIAdvancedQuery SetSearchOption
Get Search Results
poIAdvancedQuery GetValueList
poIAdvancedQuery WriteData
Hotspot Rules
poIQueryRule GetID
poIQueryRule GetLabel
poIQueryRule GetType
poIQueryRule SetLabel
poIQuerySetRule GetSelectionSet
poIQuerySetRule GetSelectionSetHandle
poIQuerySetRule SetSelectionSet
poIQueryIgnoreElemTypeRule GetElementTypeList
poIQueryIgnoreElemTypeRule GetNumberAdjacent
poIQueryIgnoreElemTypeRule SetElementTypeList
poIQueryIgnoreElemTypeRule SetNumberAdjacent
poIQueryExpressionRule GetExpression
poIQueryExpressionRule SetExpression
poIQueryDistanceRule GetDistance
poIQueryDistanceRule GetStartAt
poIQueryDistanceRule SetDistance
poIQueryDistanceRule SetStartAt
poIQueryExtremeRule GetExtreme
poIQueryExtremeRule SetExtreme

Best View APIs

Export and Report APIs