
Law Name Group Type Model Description Application Viscosity Orthotrop Embedded Thermal Option** Strain Rate Formulation
/MAT/GAS* Other materials Gas Gas molecular weight and specific heat coefficients Airbag No No Yes No Lagrange
/MAT/PLAS_PREDEF Elasto-plastic materials Metal Isotropic elasto-plastic material using the Johnson-Cook material model Metals, elasto-plastic materials, mild steels, strain rate dependent, temperature dependent, isotropic and kinematic hardening, duroplaste, low alloy steel, ST52, and DP600 No No Yes Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW0 (VOID)* Other materials Void Fictitious Void material, visualization of surface/body/rigid materials as contact surfaces No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW1 (ELAST)* Other materials Elastic Isotropic, linear elastic material using Hooke's law Metals and elastic materials for small deformation only No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW2 (PLAS_JOHNS)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Isotropic elasto-plastic material using the Johnson-Cook material model Metals, elasto-plastic materials, mild steels, strain rate dependent, temperature dependent, isotropic and kinematic hardening, duroplaste, low alloy steel, ST52, and DP600 No No Yes Yes Lagrange
/MAT/PLAS_ZERIL Elasto-plastic materials Metal Isotropic elasto-plastic material using the Zerilli-Armstrong plasticity model Metals, elasto-plastic materials, mild steels, strain rate dependent, temperature dependent, isotropic and kinematic hardening, duroplaste, low alloy steel, ST52, and DP600 No No Yes Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW3 (HYDPLA)* Elasto-plastic materials Hydrodynamic von Mises hardening, polynomial pressure Elasto-plastic materials in high speed impact, requires EOS No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW4 (HYD_JCOOK)* Elasto-plastic materials Hydrodynamic Hydrodynamic Johnson-Cook Elasto-plastic materials in high speed impact, requires EOS, accounts for temperature effects No No Yes Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW5 (JWL)* Multi-Materials, fluid and explosive materials Explosive materials Jones Wilkens Lee model Explosive TNT No No No No Lagrange Eulerian and ALE
/MAT/LAW6 (HYDRO or HYD_VISC) * Multi-Materials, fluid and explosive materials Hydrodynamic Hydrodynamic viscous Fluid, gas, water and oil Yes No No No Lagrange
/MAT/K-EPS Multi-Materials, fluid and explosive materials CFD materials Hydrodynamics viscous with k ε MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aqatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq=Jc9 vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0=yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr=x fr=xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaam4Aaiabgk HiTiabew7aLbaa@397B@ Yes No No No CFD
/MAT/LAW10 (DPRAG1)* Concrete and Rock materials Rock Drucker-Prager for rock or concrete by polynomial Soil, sand, simple concrete model, ice and snow No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW11 (BOUND) Multi-Materials, fluid and explosive materials ALE materials Boundary element Inlet/outlet conditions for fluid No No Yes No ALE
/MAT/B-K-EPS Multi-Materials, fluid and explosive materials CFD materials Boundary elements with k ε MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aqatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq=Jc9 vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0=yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr=x fr=xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaam4Aaiabgk HiTiabew7aLbaa@397B@ Inlet/outlet conditions for turbulent fluid Yes No Yes No CFD
/MAT/LAW12 (3D_COMP)* Composite and Fabric materials Composite Tsai-Wu formula for solid Laminated composite materials, carbon fiber laminates, and short fiber composite material No Yes No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW14 (COMPSO)* Composite and Fabric materials Composite Composite solid Long fiber unidirectional composite materials No Yes No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW15 (CHANG)* Composite and Fabric materials Composite Composite Shell Chang-Chang Laminated composite materials (Obsolete, use LAW25 or LAW12 instead). No Yes No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW16 (GRAY)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Gray model Allows for phase changes in high speed impact, not validated completely No No Yes Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW18 (THERM) Multi-Materials, fluid and explosive materials ALE materials Purely thermal material No No Yes No ALE
/MAT/LAW19 (FABRI)* Composite and Fabric materials Fabric Fabric Airbag and seat belt fabrics, woven fabric, seat foam cover, and materials without bending stiffness No Yes No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW20 (BIMAT)* Multi-Materials, fluid and explosive materials ALE materials ALE or Euler formulation Mix of any 2 materials compatible with 2D analysis No No No No ALE
/MAT/LAW21 (DPRAG)* Concrete and Rock materials Rock Drucker-Prager for rock or concrete by function Soil and sand No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW22 (DAMA)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Ductile damage for solids and shells Metals, elasto-plastic materials, mild steels, strain rate dependent, duroplaste, low alloy steel, ST52, and DP600 No No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW23 (PLAS_DAMA)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Ductile damage for solids Metals, elasto-plastic materials, mild steels, strain rate dependent, duroplaste, low alloy steel, ST52, and DP600 No No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW24 (CONC)* Concrete and Rock materials Rock Brittle elastic plastic behavior of reinforced concrete Sand, soil, concrete, ice and snow No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW25 (COMPSH)* Composite and Fabric materials Composite Composite Shell, plasticity model is based on standard (Tsai-Wu) formulation and CRASURV formulation Laminated composite materials, carbon fiber laminates, and short fiber composite material No Yes No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW26 (SESAM) Multi-Materials, fluid and explosive materials ALE materials SESAM tabular EOS, used with a Johnson-Cook yield criterion No No Yes No ALE
/MAT/LAW27 (PLAS_BRIT)* Elasto-plastic materials Brittle Metal and Glass Aluminum, glass, and so on Hard steel, Dualphase steel, DP800, DP1000, casting, aluminum, magnesium, poly carbonate, and glass No No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW28 (HONEYCOMB)* Honeycomb materials Honeycomb Honeycomb Honeycomb and corrugated cardboard No Yes No No Lagrange
/MAT/USERij Other materials User-defined User-defined User-defined No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/USERij Other materials User-defined User-defined User-defined No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/USERij Other materials User-defined User-defined User-defined No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW32 (HILL)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal orthotropic Hill Aluminum alloy, anisotropic steel, and roll formed metals No Yes No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW33 (FOAM_PLAS)* Hyper and visco-elastic materials Foam Closed cells, elastic plastic foam Crushable foam and styrofoam Yes No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW34 (BOLTZMAN)* Hyper and visco-elastic materials Visco-elastic Boltzmann Viscous foams, rubbers, and creep behavior Yes No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW35 (FOAM_VISC)* Hyper and visco-elastic materials Foam Generalized Kelvin-Voigt High density foam with viscosity Yes No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW36 (PLAS_TAB)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Tabulated piecewise linear Elasto-plastic material No No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW37 (BIPHAS)* Multi-Materials, fluid and explosive materials ALE materials Hydrodynamic bi-material liquid gas material Liquid and gas Yes No No No ALE
VISC_TAB* Hyper and visco-elastic materials Viscous Tabulated law Viscous foams and seat foam Yes No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW40 (KELVINMAX)* Hyper and visco-elastic materials Viscous Generalized Maxwell-Kelvin Visco-elastic foams and rubber Yes No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW41 (LEE_TARVER)* Multi-Materials, fluid and explosive materials Hydrodynamic Lee_Tarver material Explosives No No Yes No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW42 (OGDEN)* Hyper and visco-elastic materials Rubber Hyper visco-elastic Incompressible rubber materials Yes No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW43 (HILL_TAB)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Hill (tabulated) Aluminum alloy, anisotropic steel, and roll formed metals No Yes No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW44 (COWPER)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Cowper-Symonds Metals, elasto-plastic materials, mild steels, strain rate dependent, temperature dependent, isotropic and kinematic hardening, duroplaste, low alloy steel, ST52, and DP600 No No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW46 (LES_FLUID)* Multi-Materials, fluid and explosive materials CFD materials Viscous fluid with LES subgrid scale viscosity Yes No No No CFD
/MAT/LAW48 (ZHAO)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Elastic plastic strain rate dependent materials Metals, elasto-plastic materials, mild steels, strain rate dependent, temperature dependent, isotropic and kinematic hardening, duroplaste, low alloy steel, ST52, and DP600 No No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW49 (STEINB)* Elasto-plastic materials Hydrodynamic Steinberg-Guinan No No Yes No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW50 (VISC_HONEY)* Honeycomb materials Composite Crushable foam Honeycomb and corrugated cardboard Yes Yes No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW51 (MULTIMAT)* Multi-Materials, fluid and explosive materials ALE materials Solid, liquid, gas and explosives Fluid, gas, water, oil, metals, explosive, soil, and sand Yes No Yes Yes ALE
/MAT/LAW52 (GURSON)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Ductile damage for porous materials, Gurson Castings alloys, aluminum, adhesives, cast iron, and cast aluminum (material with void inclusions) Yes No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW53 (TSAI_TAB)* Elasto-plastic materials Composite Orthotropic elasto-plastic No Yes No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW54 (PREDIT)* Connections materials Spotweld Predit law No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW57 (BARLAT3)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Three-parameter Barlat DC04 and anisotropic steel No Yes No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW58 (FABR_A)* Composite and Fabric materials Fabric Fabric Airbag and seat belt fabrics, woven fabric, seat foam cover, Kevlar, materials without bending stiffness, and material for draping simulations No Yes No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW59 (CONNECT)* Connections materials Spotweld Connection material Spotwelds, adhesives, rivets, and bonding layers for laminates No No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW60 (PLAS_T3)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Tabulated quadratic in strain rate Elasto-plastic material, low alloy mild steel, DP780, ultra-hard steel, Boron steel, 22MnB5, aluminum, AA5182, AA6061, AA6070, Thermoplast, EPDM, Polyamid, HCT, HCT600, Noryl, PA6GF30, and polypropylen No No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW62 (VISC_HYP)* Hyper and visco-elastic materials Rubber Hyper visco-elastic Compressible & incompressible rubber, and foams Yes No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW63 (HANSEL)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Hansel model Austenitic steel and account for solid phase change (obsolete, use LAW80 instead). No No Yes No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW64 (UGINE_ALZ)* Elasto-plastic materials Elastic plastic Isotropic Ugine & Alz approach Austenitic steel and account for solid phase change (obsolete, use LAW80 instead). No No Yes No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW65 (ELASTOMER)* Elasto-plastic materials Elastic plastic Isotropic Elastomer Seat belts and Nitinol No No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW66* Elasto-plastic materials Rubber Visco-elastic Magnesium, polymer, and steel Yes No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW68 (COSSER)* Honeycomb materials Honeycomb Cosserat Medium Honeycomb and corrugated cardboard No Yes No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW69* Hyper and visco-elastic materials Rubber Tabulated Input for hyperelastic Incompressible rubber materials No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW70 (FOAM_TAB)* Hyper and visco-elastic materials Foam Tabulated law, hyper visco-elastic Compressible foams, PU, EPP, and PVC Yes No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW71* Other materials Metal (shape memory alloy) Analytical pseudo elastic Shape memory alloy - Nitinol No No Yes No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW72 (HILL_MMC)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Anistropic Hill Anisotropic steel, Anisotropic aluminum, AA6061 T6, and DP780 No Yes No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW73* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Thermal Hill Orthotropic Metal forming applications No Yes Yes Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW74* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Thermal Hill Orthotropic 3D Metal forming applications No Yes Yes Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW75 (POROUS)* Other materials Foam Porous material model Ductile porous No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW76 (SAMP)* Elasto-plastic materials Plastic Semi-analytical elasto-plastic Plastic, polymer, and high alloy steel No Yes No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW77* Hyper and visco-elastic materials Foam Tabulated law, visco-elastic foam Open cell foam Yes No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW78* Elasto-plastic materials Plastic strain Yoshida-Uemori material DC04, anisotropic steel, deep drawing, and stamping steel No Yes No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW79 (JOHN_HOLM)* Elasto-plastic materials Brittle Metal and Glass Brittle metals Ceramics and glass No No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW80* Elasto-plastic materials Metal High strength steel Ultra high strength steel (Boron), Hot forming, solid phase change (from austenite to bainite, perlite, ferrite, martensite) No No Yes Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW81* Concrete and Rock materials Rock Drucker-Prager with cap Soils No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW82* Hyper and visco-elastic materials Rubber Ogden material Incompressible rubber materials No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW83* Connections materials Spotweld Advanced connection material Spotwelds, adhesives, rivets, and bonding layers for laminates No No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW84* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Swift and Voce elasto-plastic law No Yes Yes Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW87 (BARLAT2000)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Anisotropic Barlat Yield 2000 criterion

Swift and Voce elasto-plastic law, or Tabulated law

Anisotropic metals, especially aluminum No Yes No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW88* Hyper and visco-elastic materials Rubber Simpified hyperelastic material Rubber, foam Yes No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW90* Hyper and visco-elastic materials Foam Tabulated law, hyper visco-elastic Compressible foams, PU, EPP, and PVC Yes No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW92* Elasto-plastic materials Rubber Arruda-Boyce hyperelastic material Incompressible rubber materials No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW93 (ORTH_HILL) or (CONVERSE)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Orthotropic elastic material with Hill plasticity Metal, plastic No Yes Yes Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW94 (YEOH)* Hyper and visco-elastic materials Rubber YEOH hyperelastic material Rubber, plastic No No Yes No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW95 (BERGSTROM_BOYCE)* Hyper and visco-elastic materials Rubber BERGSTROM-BOYCE nonlinear visco-elastic material Predicting the nonlinear time dependency of elastomer Yes No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW97 (JWLB)* Hydrodynamic and explosive materials Explosive materials Jones Wilkins Lee Baker Material Explosive TNT No No No No Lagrange Eulerian and ALE
/MAT/LAW100 (MNF)* Hyper and visco-elastic materials Rubber Polynomial form, Arruda Boyce, Neo Hook, Mooney-Rivlin, Yeoh and Neo Hook with temperature dependency and Nonlinear viscoelastic material Predicting the nonlinear time dependency of elastomer Yes No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW101* Hyper and visco-elastic materials Thermoplastic polymers Time and temperature dependent material model for thermoplastics Polypropylene materials Yes No Yes Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW102 (DPRAG2)* Concrete and Rock materials Rock Drucker-Prager for rock or concrete by polynomial Soil, sand, and simple concrete model No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW103 (HENSEL-SPITTEL)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Isotropic elastic-plastic material at high temperature using Hensel-Spittel yield stress formula Metal No No Yes No
/MAT/LAW104 (JOHNS_VOCE_DRUCKER)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Elasto-plastic with mixed Voce and linear hardening Dual phase steel sheet metal No No Yes Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW106 (JCOOK_ALM)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Isotropic elasto-plastic material using the Johnson-Cook material model with temperature dependent Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio Metal No No Yes No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW108 (SPR_GENE)* Springs Zero length spring material with six degrees of freedom. Includes nonlinear stiffness, damping and different unloading Connections No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW109* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Elasto-plastic material with isotropic von Mises yield criterion with plastic strain rate and temperature depending nonlinear hardening. Metal No No Yes Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW110 (VEGTER)* Elasto-plastic materials Metal Elasto-plastic constitutive law using the interpolated yield criterion of Corus-Vegter and the hardening law of Vegter, accounting for strain-rate dependency and thermal effect. Metal No No Yes Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW111* Hyper and visco-elastic materials Rubber Marlow material model, support tabulated input for hyperelastic. Incompressible rubber materials No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW112 (PAPER or XIA)* Orthotropic and dissymmetric elasto-plastic material Paperboard Fully uncouple the behavior in the plane of the paper sheet and the behavior out of the plane. A yield stress is defined for each directions of loading, in tension and compression. Paperboard No No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW113 (SPR_BEAM)* Springs Beam type spring material with six independent modes of deformation. Includes nonlinear stiffness, damping and different unloading. Connections No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW114 (SPR_SEATBELT) 1D seatbelt material Seatbelt material Elastic nonlinear elastic with different loading and unloading behavior Seatbelt No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW115 (DESHFLECK)* Elasto-plastic material Metal Mises criterion with pressure dependence. Fleck foam No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW116* Connections materials Cohesive material Mixed mode, strain rate dependent material model with damage and failure Adhesive layer and bonding layers for laminates No No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW117* Connections materials Cohesive material Ductile adhesive materials in 2 modes for normal and tangential directions Adhesive layer and bonding layers for laminates No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW119 (SH_SEATBELT) 2D seatbelt material Seatbelt material Elastic nonlinear elastic with different loading and unloading behavior Seatbelt No No No No Lagrange
/MAT/LAW120 (TAPO) Elasto-plastic materials Polymer adhesives Non-associated elasto-plastic model with nonlinear damage model Polymer adhesives No No No Yes
/MAT/LAW121 (PLAS_RATE) Elasto-plastic materials Metal Elasto-plastic strain rate dependent material with isotropic von Mises yield criterion Metal No No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW122 (MODIFIED_LADEVEZE) Composite and Fabric materials Composite Uni-directional composite ply considering plasticity, damage and strain rate effects Laminated composite materials, carbon fiber laminates, and short fiber composite materials No Yes No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW124 (CDPM2) Concrete and Rock materials Rock Concrete material law accounting for plasticity, damage, and strain rate effect Soil, sand, simple concrete model, ice and snow No No No Yes Lagrange
/MAT/LAW151 (MULTIFLUID)* Hydrodynamic and explosive materials ALE / EULER materials Compressible multi-material Fluid, gas, water and oil No N/A No N/A Eulerian and ALE
/MAT/LAW200 (MDS) Multiscale Design materials Many material types Link to Multiscale Designer material law Many material types Yes Yes Yes Yes Lagrange

(*): Indicates material laws compatible with local unit system

(**): Besides materials that already have thermal characteristics inside material law (Embedded Thermal Option), all material laws could define thermal characteristics with /HEAT/MAT, Thermal expansion which defined with /THERM_STRESS/MAT is available for all material laws with shell element and the following materials with solid elements:

Material laws where the number goes from 1 to 28 and laws number 36, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 56, 60, 62, 65, 66, 68, 69, 72, 74, 79, 81, 82, 88, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 100, 102, 103, 106.


  1. For shell elements with /MAT/LAW66 and /MAT/LAW25 (COMPSH) and solid elements with /MAT/LAW42 (OGDEN), /MAT/LAW69, /MAT/LAW82, /MAT/LAW92 and /MAT/LAW103 (HENSEL-SPITTEL), it is possible to use /VISC/PRONY to describe viscosity.
  2. All characters beyond the 8th of a keyword are ignored (for example, it is possible to input HONEYCOM, instead of HONEYCOMB).
  3. The Manual Keyword is the keyword of the law, as referenced in this manual.
  4. The Law Number is the material law number used to reference the material law in the fixed format manual.
  5. The Other Available Keywords column features other keywords, which can be used to define the same material law.