Bulk Data Entry Used to convert ERROR 772 into WARNING 824 when free spiders on RBE3 elements are present in the model. These free spiders may contain singular degrees-of-freedom.

Parameter Values Description
RBE3FREE <YES, NO> Modeling errors can result in the creation of RBE3 elements with free spiders. This parameter can be used to convert ERROR 772 into WARNING 824 when free spiders on RBE3 elements are present in the model. These free spiders may contain singular degrees-of-freedom.
ERROR 772 is converted into WARNING 824.
For AMSES/AMLS runs the free spiders will be AUTOSPC'ed if they are singular. This will cause invalid results as the RBE3 will be constrained to ground. Check the AUTOSPC output to make sure the free spiders are not AUTOSPC'ed.
If the free spiders are singular, Lanczos eigenvalue solutions and static analysis runs will fail with ERROR's 155 or 153.
If the free spiders are singular, Lanczos eigenvalue solutions and static analysis runs will fail with ERROR's 155 or 153.
NO (Default)
ERROR 772 is not converted into WARNING. Models containing RBE3 elements with free spiders will error out.