Bulk Data Entry Outputs an ASCII file (.zaero) containing the normal modes data for the requested grids. This file can be used to import into ZAERO software, for further aeroelastic analysis.

Parameter Values Description
Outputs an ASCII file containing normal modes data for the entire model.
NO (Default)
An ASCII file containing normal modes data of grids is not output.
Outputs an ASCII file containing normal modes data of grids that belong to a SET, referenced by SETID.


  1. If PARAM,ZAERO,YES or PARAM,ZAERO,SETID is used, the normal modes data is available in the .zaero file.
  2. The .zaero file contains:
    • Number of grids for which the data is requested.
    • Number of normal modes.
    • ID and coordinates of each grid for which the data is requested.
    • Circular frequency and generalized mass for each mode.
    • Displacements (translation and rotation) for each grid.
  3. The coordinates and displacements of the grids are always output in the basic coordinate system, irrespective of their definition in the model file.